[动态32] 袁承老师以共通身份在SCI TOP期刊上发表论文


近日,腐植酸科学与工程研究团队(即本团队)袁承老师以共同通讯作者身份在化学类SCI TOP期刊《Journal of Molecular Liquids》杂志(2区,IF=6)在线发表了题为“Multi-stimulus-responsive biocompatible natural anionic surfactant/anionic additive mixed system(多刺激响应型生物相容性的天然阴离子表面活性剂/阴离子添加剂复配系统)”的文章,该论文是与湖南师范大学南延青教授课题组共同合作完成的。

摘要内容如下:Developing natural biosurfactant-based smart hydrogels with low-toxicity, biocompatibility and multi-stimulus- responsiveness is of great importance in fundamental and applied science. Based on the strategy of hydrogen bonding and steric hindrance regulation, multi-stimulus-responsive hydrogels were constructed using electrostatically repulsive sodium deoxycholate (NaDC) and sodium salt of trans-ortho-methoxycinnamic acid (trans-NaOMCA). The rheological and DLS techniques, TEM, optical microscopy, 1H NMR, FT-IR and UV–vis spectrometers were used to investigate the stimulus-responsiveness and the controlled release of model drug. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were performed to provide molecular insights into the effect of stimuli on self-assembly, type and number of hydrogen bonds, etc. This study provides a new method to construct multi- stimulus-responsive hydrogels using anionic surfactant and anionic photoresponsive additive. The NaDC/trans- NaOMCA/H2O mixed system exhibits reversible pH- and CO2-responses. FT-IR and 1H NMR spectra results and MD simulations reveal that, the formation and breaking of bridging hydrogen bonds involving H3O+ (including the acid salt structures) play key roles in reversible sol ⇌ gel transition, and the bridging hydrogen bonds between DC− and trans-OMCA− lead to a synergistic effect during the formation of HAc- and CO2-induced hydrogels. In addition, the HAc-induced hydrogels are thermosensitive and photoresponsive, exhibiting the stimulus-responsiveness of both NaDC and trans-NaOMCA. The stimulus-responsive mechanism has been proposed. The investigation of the release of methylene blue from the prepared hydrogels will provide guidance for practical applications. (开发具有低毒、生物相容性和多刺激响应性的天然生物表面活性剂智能水凝胶,在基础科学和应用科学中具有重要意义。基于氢键和空间位阻调节策略,利用具有静电斥力的脱氧胆酸钠(NaDC)和反式邻甲氧基肉桂酸钠(trans-NaOMCA)构建了一种多刺激响应型水凝胶系统。采用流变学和差示扫描量热(DLS)、透射电子显微镜、光学显微镜、核磁共振氢谱、红外光谱和紫外-可见光谱来研究其刺激响应性和对模型药物的控制释放。分子动力学(MD)模拟研究了刺激对自组装、氢键类型和数目等的影响,为利用阴离子表面活性剂和阴离子光响应剂构建多刺激响应型水凝胶提供了一种新的方法。NaDC/trans-NaOMCA/H2O复配系统表现出可逆的pH和CO2响应性。FT-IR、1HNMR谱和MD模拟结果表明,H3O+(包括酸性盐结构)桥连氢键的形成与断裂在可逆溶胶⇌凝胶转变过程中起着关键作用,DC−和trans-OMCA−之间的桥连氢键在HAc和CO2诱导的水凝胶形成过程中起着协同作用。此外,HAc诱导的水凝胶具有温度敏感性和光敏性,表现出NaDC和trans-NaOMCA的刺激响应性。)



1. 智能响应材料:开发能够根据生物体内环境变化(如pH、温度、酶活性等)而改变其药物释放行为的材料;

2. 纳米药物载体:利用纳米技术提高药物的溶解性、稳定性,并通过纳米载体的表面修饰实现药物的主动靶向;

3. 分子模拟:应用分子动力学模拟、量子化学计算和生物信息学在分子层面上深入探究药物与材料的作用机制。

